Change service password Imprimir

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Linux services have their initial password e-mailed to you, and Windows is set by you in VNC. However, should you forget your password or want to change it to something else without logging into your VPS, you can do so from the service/product details page management options. This may not be available for dedicated servers and may be different for cPanel webhosting or other services, but will work for most services we offer.

Simply navigate to Services --> My Services, and click on the applicable service. Scroll down until you see "Root/Admin Password" or "Password" and then click the "Change" button or pencil icon. Read the instructions, click "Yes" and wait. If this times out, gives a red error, or Cloudflare error, follow these additional steps:

  • If the above fails, go to your "VPS Control Panel" or "Control Panel" also known as the SolusVM panel.
  • Power off your service by clicking "shutdown" and then scroll down and click "Root/Admin Password" and then the "Change" button. Copy the password here. If an error is displayed here as well, your password may still work! Just test it out first, but if it doesn't then please take a screenshot of the error and contact our support as a last resort.

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