Windows RDP "Internal Error" Принт

  • internal error, rdp, windows rdp, windows, remote desktop, windows remote desktop, rdp internal error, an internal error has occured
  • 2

If you receive "an internal error occurred" when you attempt to connect via Remote Desktop, there could be a few very common reasons. So we can better assist you, before you contact us please go through the very quick & easy troubleshooting steps below (and you may even end up fixing it on your own.) Otherwise, if your issue resembles this and you do not correctly describe it, this may lead to a resolution taking much longer than usual since a technical support agent may assume something else could be wrong.

Error resembles:

Common Cause:

The RDP service on the VPS or a service it relies on has stopped or been disabled by Windows or another program automatically. This may occur if you run out of memory, or after a Windows update that involves RDP and network-level authentication. Sometimes, Windows may also briefly disable RDP to attempt to protect your server.

Quickest Solution:

Reboot your VPS, and it should come back online with all RDP services functioning by default. This is only a quick temporary fix. You can also try connecting multiple times, eventually, it should allow you in, but this does not fix the underlying problem.

Permanent Solutions:

Solution #1

Reboot your VPS, and then access it. Go to system properties by visiting This PC/My Computer and then selecting Properties. Go to the "Remote" tab, and enable "Allow connections only from computers running Remote Desktop with Network Level Authentication." Before using this, ensure that you are on the latest version of Windows on the VPS and on your own computer, or else you may not be able to connect to RDP. If this happens, simply view the solution below (and disable the option you just selected.)

Solution #2

You can view your VPS via "VNC" instead of RDP. Go to Services --> My Service, and click on your service. Then, scroll down and click "VNC" on the server control buttons. Here, you can open task manager as you normally would, navigate to the "Services" tab. Here, you need to start back up any services related to RDP. Then, go to your Server Manager and investigate why these services crashed. At this point, if this is complicated, you should contact our support but please provide all the troubleshooting steps you completed. 

Solution #3

You can change the default port for RDP. Open regedit (type it in the search box.) Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp and click on "PortNumber," then Edit, Modify, and click Demical. Enter a new port number, for example, 33389, as long as the port is not used by something else, and click OK. Then, please make sure to go to Windows Firewall and add in "Inbound" rules for TCP/UDP for that port. 


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